Guild名鑑 No.107 創造性とビジネスの融合へ!アルビンさんのマンガで広げる友達の輪
港区を起点にいろんなところで働く・暮らす、楽しい時間を創りたい人たちによるコミュニティCreative Guild。このギルド名鑑ではそんなCreative Guildでつながったユニークな方々をご紹介しています。今回はインドで活躍するアルビンさんをご紹介します。日本のマンガを愛するアルビンさんは、そこで生まれたつながりを通じて、自身の創造性とビジネスの融合を目指してチャレンジを続けています。
【Guild名鑑ファイルNo.107】 アルビン/在インド日本のマンガ愛好家 | ![]() |
アルビンさんの在り方は、日本社会がこうしたグローバルな流れの中で多様性を活かしていく可能性を示してくれています。日本のマンガやアニメが一つの共通項となり、国や地域、文化を超えて互いにコミュニケーションし、共感しあう入口となっているのです。そしてそこから見えてきた課題に一緒に取り組むことで、もっと“楽しい”未来に挑戦していくことが可能になります。これはCreative Guildとして学ぶべき大事なスタンス。ぜひアルビンさんと一緒に、グローバルにも“楽しい”から始まる未来づくりのための友達の輪を広げていきましょう!
Blending Creativity and Business:
Arvind’s Mission to Expand a Global Network of Friends through Manga
Based in Minato City, Creative Guild is a community for people who work, live, and aspire to create enjoyable moments together. This Guild Almanac introduces unique individuals connected through Creative Guild. This time, we spotlight Arvind, an inspiring figure from India. A devoted fan of Japanese manga, Arvind continues to challenge himself by leveraging the connections born from this passion to fuse creativity with business.
Currently residing in India, Arvind is an IT engineer thriving in the field of digital marketing. At the same time, he has long been fascinated by Japanese manga and anime, and he even creates his own sketches. Through the shared love of manga, he has connected with people from Japan and around the world, constantly enriching himself by engaging with diverse values and perspectives. Looking to the future, he is exploring ways to blend his creativity with business, aiming not just to earn money but to deliver value that truly matters to society.
What Arvind treasures most is the concept of well-being. He envisions a society where everyone can live energetically and joyfully, pursue their passions as careers, and connect freely with the world. To achieve this, he values both the business acumen needed to drive systems and the creative sensibility to connect people and their aspirations on an intuitive level. At the core of his approach is expanding a circle of friends based on mutual empathy, all while crossing various boundaries with his open-minded attitude and relentless drive.
In today’s world, respecting and leveraging diversity is imperative not only for business but also for global society at large. The internet has made it easier than ever to connect worldwide, leading to the resolution of social issues and the creation of new societal values. However, to truly harness the power of diversity, it ultimately comes down to relationships between individuals.
Arvind’s approach demonstrates the potential for Japanese society to embrace diversity within this global movement. Japanese manga and anime serve as a shared interest that transcends national, regional, and cultural boundaries, providing a gateway to communication and mutual understanding. Tackling the challenges that emerge from these connections allows us to collectively take on even more exciting challenges for the future. This is a vital stance for Creative Guild to learn from and embody. Let’s deepen our relationship with Arvind, expand these connections, and build a global network of friends to shape a future full of joy and creativity!