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  4. Guild名鑑 No.113 Act for Peace!オリーシャさんが共感で紡ぐ日本とウクライナの文化  

Guild名鑑 No.113 Act for Peace!オリーシャさんが共感で紡ぐ日本とウクライナの文化  

港区を起点にいろんなところで働く・暮らす、楽しい時間を創りたい人たちによるコミュニティCreative Guild。このギルド名鑑ではそんなCreative Guildでつながったユニークな方々をご紹介しています。今回ご紹介するのは、ウクライナ出身のオリーシャ・キリュチュックさんです。グローバルのIT企業で働きながら、平和への願いを込めて、ウクライナと日本の文化をつなぐプレイバック・シアターの活動を推進しています。

Guild名鑑ファイルNo.112】 オリーシャ・キリュチュック/プレイバック・シアター活動・HR分野のプロフェッショナル




だからこそ私たちはひとり一人が意志を持って”平和”について考え、行動していくことが改めて必要です。そのために異なる価値観に触れ、互いを理解していくこと、そして共感から見えたより良い未来の可能性に向け、前向きに試行錯誤し続けることが重要です。オリーシャさんの姿はそのシンボルとも言えます。Creative Guildの場でもこの厳しい現実を理解したうえで、意義のある”楽しい”つながりから始まる未来づくりをオリーシャさんといっしょに一歩ずつ確実に進めていきましょう!

Act for Peace!
Olesia Weaves Connection Between Japanese and Ukrainian Cultures

Creative Guild is a community based in Minato City, dedicated to creating enjoyable spaces for working, living, and thriving across different places. This Guild Directory introduces the unique individuals connected through Creative Guild. Today, we feature Olesia Kyrylchuk from Ukraine, who, while working at a global IT company, channels her desire for peace into connecting Japanese and Ukrainian cultures through Playback Theatre.

Currently residing in Japan, Olesia is a professional in the field of Human Resources (HR). She relocated from Ukraine to Japan in 2022 as a result of the war. Thanks to her employment at a global IT company, she has been able to continue her work seamlessly in Japan. Alongside her professional role, Olesia has been a long-standing performer of Playback Theatre, where individuals share their personal stories, which are then re-enacted spontaneously on stage to encourage deeper dialogue and mutual understanding. She continues this work in Japan, contributing to cultural exchange between Japan and Ukraine.

What Olesia values most is human connection—the act of engaging with individuals sincerely and respectfully, regardless of nationality, language, values, social status, or age. For her, it is about fostering a sense of being loved and loving others. The key to this is empathy. Olesia uses Playback Theatre as a tool to weave empathy organically, involving a diverse range of people and inspiring them to take their next step toward a better future.

The world today is undoubtedly at a turning point. Every day, the news reminds us that peace is not guaranteed—it requires tremendous effort to achieve. While pessimism can be paralyzing, the harsh realities we may wish to avoid are not distant fires but complex and turbulent challenges that could directly affect anyone at any time.

For this reason, it is more crucial than ever for each of us to think about peace with intention and take action. This involves engaging with different values, striving to understand one another, and envisioning a brighter future shaped by empathy and perseverance. Olesia’s approach serves as a powerful symbol of this mindset.

At Creative Guild, let us embrace these challenging realities and, alongside Olesia, build a future that begins with meaningful connection with FUN—one step at a time. Together, we can create positive changes.

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