Creative Guild


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  4. Guild名鑑 No.95 限界を超える”ひと”のつながりを。ポール・ロバーツさんが築く信頼のネットワーク

Guild名鑑 No.95 限界を超える”ひと”のつながりを。ポール・ロバーツさんが築く信頼のネットワーク

港区を起点にいろんなところで働く・暮らす、楽しい時間を創りたい人たちによるコミュニティCreative Guild。このギルド名鑑ではそんなCreative Guildでつながったユニークな方々をご紹介しています。今回ご紹介するのは、東京でITプロフェッショナルのキャリア形成をサポートしているポール・ロバーツさんです。一人ひとりと丁寧に向き合い、既存の限界を超えていくための”ひと”と”ひと”の信頼を紡いでいます

Guild名鑑ファイルNo.95】 ポール・ロバーツ/ITプロフェッショナルと企業をつなぐリクルーター




この先の未来に進むには、リスクを避けるのではなく、リスクを適切に取っていくことが不可欠です。ゼロリスクは存在しません。ではいかに適切にリスクをとっていくか。その答えの一つがポールさんの信頼を紡いでいくアプローチです。Creative Guildが掲げる“友達最強×超地道”のコンセプトにもつながります。つまりポールさんの姿勢に学べば、国境も領域も超えて“楽しい”から始まる未来づくりをより力強く推進できるのです。それはもう、やらない手はありませんね。

Boundless Human-Centered Connections:
Paul Roberts’ Trustworthy Networking

Creative Guild is a community of people who work, live, and create enjoyable moments in various locations, with a hub in Minato-ku. This Guild directory introduces unique individuals connected through Creative Guild. Today, we introduce Paul Roberts, a recruiter who has been supporting IT professionals in Tokyo, fostering deep connections that help people break through existing limits and build trust-based relationships.

Originally from Ireland, Paul has been working as an IT recruiter in Tokyo for over 20 years, leveraging his hands-on experience in the field to connect IT professionals with companies. His achievements span various industries, including some of the world’s most renowned global companies. In addition to his recruitment work, Paul shares insights on trends in Japan’s IT industry through his blog (and newsletter, and he also provides talent strategy consulting for startups.

What Paul values most is trust among people. He believes trust is fundamental to building a healthy, sustainable society. It’s also the driving force that encourages individuals to step out of their comfort zones and pursue new possibilities. Paul emphasizes the importance of connecting people based on trust, creating networks that are flexible and responsive to change, and sharing opportunities for growth and development. His network becomes a powerful engine for building a more creative future.

Japan, being an island nation, faces physical barriers to interaction with the outside world. The language barrier is also significant, though the rapid evolution of AI and machine translation is gradually overcoming this challenge. However, cultural barriers remain, particularly the risk-averse mindset prevalent in many Japanese organizations. This fear of risk has stifled Japan’s overall potential for growth.

Moving forward, it’s essential not to avoid risk but to take appropriate risks. Zero risk does not exist. The key question is how to take risks wisely. One answer lies in Paul’s trust-building approach. It also aligns with Creative Guild’s concept of “friends first, hard work next.” By learning from Paul’s example, we can foster a future that transcends borders and fields, starting from the simple joy of creation. There’s no reason not to start now.

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